I enjoy the people I work with

I will be prepared financially to live comfortably when I retire

I feel grounded in my spirituality

I have the time to do the activities I love

My day is filled with passion

I am connected to a cause greater than myself

I feel significant in the world

I enjoy a challenge

I feel connected to my friends

I have taken a holiday in the last 6 months

I am passionate about helping other people

My work brings me joy

I feel connected to a higher source

I am able to give back continuously

I am a lifelong learner and look for new things to broaden my mind

Giving back is a priority to me

I am able to share my gifts and talents at my job

I love myself

My love life is thriving

I earn enough income to live comfortably

I am healthy and continuously make choices to support a healthy lifestyle

I am surrounded by uplifting people

I love where I live

I have a mentor who guides me

I am making a difference in the world

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